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Als groothandel verkopen wij enkel aan tandartspraktijken die over een geldig BIG-nummer beschikken.
This website is owned by Global Smile bvba
Contact: Gentstraat 17b2, 9250 Waasmunster, Belgium
Registered office: Gentstraat 17b2, 9250 Waasmunster, Belgium
Phone: +32 52 55 03 02
Company number: BTW BE 0880.908.468
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Intellectual Property Rights
The contents of this site, including trademarks, logos, images, data, product and company names, images, etc. are protected by copyright and belong to Global Smile sprl or entitled third parties.
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The information on this website is of a general nature. The information is not adapted to personal or specific circumstances, and not as a personal, professional or legal advice to the user is considered.
Global Smile bvba has taken great care to ensure that the information provided is complete, correct, accurate and updated. Despite these efforts, errors may occur in the information provided. If the information contains errors or if certain information on or via the site would be named company will do its utmost to correct this as soon as possible to rectify.
Global Smile bvba can not be held liable for any direct or indirect damage arising from the use of the information on this site.
If you discover errors in the information provided through this site is made available, please contact the administrator of the site.
The contents of the site (including links) may at any time without notice or notification, modified or supplemented. Company name does not guarantee the proper functioning of the website and can in no way be held liable for malfunctions or temporary (un) availability of the website or for any damages, direct or indirect, which would result from the access to or use of the website.
Global Smile bvba can in no case against anyone, direct or indirect, special or otherwise be liable for damages due to the use of this site or another, especially as a result of links or hyperlinks, including, without limitation, all losses, work stoppages, damage to programs or other data on the computer system, software or other of the user.
Global Smile bvba make the necessary efforts to improve the quality of services offered to the users of the website free. However, this relates an agent Enver bint ennis and Global Smile bvba can not be held responsible, either directly or indirectly, for any permanent damage to a user of the site would suffer by offering to purchase services or users of this website.
Each user is solely responsible for the performance of its administrative, social law, tax law and other obligations which he / she is under his / her activity should play.
The website may contain hyperlinks to third party websites or pages, or refer to them indirectly. Placing links to these websites or pages does not imply an implicit approval of content.
Global Smile bvba expressly declares that it has no control over the content or other features of these websites and can not be held liable for the content or features or any other form of damage caused by its use.
Applicable law and jurisdiction.
The Belgian law is applicable to this site. In the event of a dispute only the courts of the jurisdiction Dendermonde.
Privacy Policy
Global Smile bvba takes your privacy. Although most information on this site without providing any personal information to be provided, it is possible that the user's personal information is requested. This information will only be used as part of our customer and to warn you about delivery and order. The user can, free of charge and on request, to prohibit the use of personal information for direct marketing. To this end he will turn to Global Smile bvba, Gentstraat 17b2, 9250 Waasmunster, 32 52 55 03 02 Your personal details are never passed to third parties.
Under the law processing personal data of 08/12/1992, the user has a legal right of access to or correction of personal data. Providing proof of identity (copy of identity card) you can use a written, dated and signed request to Global Smile bvba, Gentstraat 17b2, 9250 Waasmunster, 32 52 55 03 02,, free written notice of your personal . If necessary, you can also request to correct inaccurate, incomplete or irrelevant details.
Global Smile bvbakan anonymous or aggregated data of non-personal nature, such as browser type or IP address, operating system you use or the domain name of the website from which you've come to the website, or through which you leave . This allows us to continuously optimize the website for users.
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